Additional Support Needs
Kinlochleven Primary complies with the Additional Support for Learning (Scotland) Act 2004 as amended by the Additional Support for Learning (Scotland) Act 2009 and the Additional Support for Learning: Statutory Guidance 2017.
In Kinlochleven Primary we ensure that all children are provided with a curricular experience which is appropriate to their age, stage and development. This may be achieved through class, group and individual teaching approaches enabling children to reach their full potential. However, most pupils may, at some point in their school life, experience a learning difficulty or a barrier in accessing the curriculum fully. Through ongoing formal and informal assessment, class teachers will identify where a pupil requires additional support.
Class teachers are responsible for meeting the needs of all the children in their class. Additional support may include additional tuition, advice from other professionals, provision of appropriate materials and practical help within the classroom.
The term additional support needs refers to any child who, for whatever reason, requires additional support for learning. These support needs can arise from any factor which causes a barrier to learning.
Children who require additional support for a variety of reasons may include those who:
Looked After Children (LAC) i.e. children who are cared for directly or whose care is supervised by the Local Authority are deemed to have Additional Support Needs unless assessment determines otherwise.
We have procedures in place which ensure that all Looked After Children are closely monitored and supported. Within Kinlochleven Primary the Senior Leadership Team take responsibility for individual Looked After Children, monitoring their educational progress and overall wellbeing. However, the head teacher retains overall responsibility.
Some additional support needs will be long term while others will be short term. The effect they have will vary from child to child. In all cases though, it is how these factors impact on the individual child’s learning that is important and this will determine the level of support required.
The school follows Highland Council’s Support for Learning Policy through the implementation of a staged intervention process:
Kinlochleven Primary is able to cater for a wide range of additional support needs. The school works closely with Psychological Services and regular meetings are held with the school Educational Psychologist to discuss progress and support for pupils. Other services include N.H.S. Highland, Hearing and Visual Impairment, Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Child, Adolescent Mental Health Service and Social Services (including Transport and Housing).
Where a child has English as an additional language they will be supported within school and, where appropriate, by Highland’s EAL Team. Parents and young people can request an assessment to establish whether a child or young person has additional support needs or requires a Child’s Support Plan. Requests should be made to the head teacher. Parents and pupils are an essential part of the assessment, planning and review process and your views will be actively sought. Parents and young people can request of the authority to establish whether a child has additional support needs. They can also request an assessment at any time.